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Many do not agree with my views and ideas about the Indians, for reasons that cannot be listed, but the number of these people has been decreasing continuously since the first time I expressed my admiration for the civilization and culture of India in the sixties of the last century.

It is hard not to imagine how the Indian leader, Mahatma Gandhi and Britain’s Winston Churchill, would have reacted to the news that the Hindu Rishi Sunak has assumed the leadership position of Great Britain, the country that was once the most class and racist, with the biggest and longest colonial history that ruled half the world and colonized India for 90 years, during which it subjected its people to all kinds of humiliation.

I will imagine that Gandhi will remain silent, and we will only see his broad smile, as he shakes his head, addressing himself: Hmmm... ‘We have defeated you again, and this time in your own backyard’.

As for Churchill, he will bite on his cigar angrily, and mutter: ‘Damn you, you have defeated Britain and all its colonial history.’

The general scene in the United Kingdom seems surreal, closer to an Indian movie whose end is difficult to predict, or a Shakespearean story. The Pakistani Muslim, Sadiq Khan, is the Mayor of London, the capital of the UK, the Jew Grant Shapps is the Business Secretary, the Mauritian Catholic, Suella Braverman is the Home Secretary, and the Hindu Rishi Sunak is head of the imperial ministry, and the Protestant Charles is King and head of the church.

It doesn’t matter what some think, Britain is the winner in this strange event. Who would have believed, even a month ago, let alone 75 years ago, that the British Prime Minister would be a man of color, a committed traditional Hindu, no alcoholic, and the son of Indian immigrants humble, and that at the beginning of his forties, after the ancient Conservative Party, which was founded nearly 200 years ago, despaired of finding a competent president who is white-skinned and believes in Protestantism, and enjoyed the authenticity of the race to become prime minister.

What happened is an unprecedented event of great importance, and it is recorded in the interest of English pragmatism and tolerance that Britain, and most of the civilized countries of the world, has become characterized by after a long colonial history, unjust and arrogant towards all the peoples of the world.

This is happening in Great Britain, and this is the secret of its greatness, and we cannot imagine anything close to it happening in our countries. Egypt does not have a great official, whether military or civilian, if he is Coptic, let alone be prime minister; even India today cannot come up to terms as is happening in Britain, if only temporarily.

We also do not imagine that Kuwait, our small homeland, will soon abandon the quota base that it has maintained since independence until today, and will soon assign talent to all or most of the portfolios of the ministry, even if they are mostly from one tribe or sect. or accept the absence of any of them in any next ministry, if the criterion is competence, and not appeasement and quotas.

What happened in Britain and other decent countries is a lesson to all of us, so let us learn something from them. Let’s dream, what Mahatma Gandhi dreamt and achieved what he wanted; Nelson Mandela dreamt and he got what he wanted; Sunak dreamt and got what he aspired to.

If we dream of tolerance and equality, perhaps we will get what we want, before our time comes.

e-mail: [email protected]

By Ahmad alsarraf