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author name Arab Times

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KUWAIT CITY, June 1: MP Abdullah Al-Turaiji has submitted a proposal for the Ministry of Interior to coordinate with the concerned institutions in order to lay down a comprehensive plan to prevent welltrained expatriate employees, including domestic workers, from leaving their original sponsors to work for another employer.

He explained the original sponsor spends a lot of money and time to train the workers who then transfer to another sponsor or employer after gaining experience as the latter usually offers a slightly higher salary. He pointed out this is the case for all categories of expatriate employees; including lawyers, technicians and domestic workers. He suggested that an expatriate worker will be allowed to transfer to another sponsor only if he leaves the country and he will be granted a new visa after staying abroad for a period of five years.

He called for the amendment of relevant laws to ensure the workers are protected as per the Constitution of Kuwait and international regulations, while protecting the rights of the employers. He pointed out that many expatriate employees are victims of human traffickers who typically persuade them to transfer to another sponsor after working in Kuwait for one year, in addition to the greediness of some workers.

Meanwhile, Chairman of the parliamentary Financial and Economic Affairs Committee MP Ahmed Al-Hamad urged his colleagues who intend to add amendments to the Public Institution for Social Security Law to submit their proposals before June 9 for the committee to discuss and include them in its report. He explained this is in view of the decision of the National Assembly Office to hold a special session to discuss and vote on the bill on June 14.

So far, the current bill stipulates granting KD3,000 incentive to retirees and KD20 pension increment per year; instead of KD30 every three years. On the other hand, MP Hamdan Al-Azmi forwarded queries to Minister of Health Dr Khalid Al-Saeed about the patients suffering from human papillomavirus (HPV). He wants to know the percentage of those with cervical cancer, prevention and treatment methods, if the existing HPV vaccines are effective, manufacturers and local agents that supply these vaccines to the Health Ministry. He also asked the minister to clarify the allegation that the ministry failed to import the vaccines 10 years ago due to the conservative nature of the Kuwaiti society. By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh Arab Times Staff