Residence renewal fee for over 60s seen debilitating

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KUWAIT CITY, July 15: MP Abdullah Al-Turaiji called for revision of the decision of the Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) to impose KD 2,000 health insurance fee for the renewal of the work permits of expatriates who are more than 60 years old and hold secondary stage certificate or lower. He argued this is an exorbitant amount and the concerned expatriates will be forced to leave the country. He said majority of these expatriates are owners of shops and they might increase the fees for the services they provide in order to compensate for the cost of renewing their work permits.

MP Abdullah Al-Turaiji

He warned this will negatively affect the citizens. He added this decision will not reduce crowds in public clinics because the expatriates will continue availing services in these clinics. He suggested these expatriates must have health insurance but the fee should be reasonable and that they should go to hospitals allocated for them, indicating this can be applied to all expatriates later.

Also, he submitted a proposal for military institutes in the country — Saad Al-Abdullah Academy for Security Sciences, National Guard and Ali Abdullah Al-Salem College — to unify the period of study to four years for Bachelor of Law and Administration; in addition to Bachelor of Military Studies. He said the current period of study for Bachelor of Security Sciences at Saad Al-Abdullah Academy for Security Sciences, Diploma of Military studies at Ali Abdullah Al-Salem College and the National Guard is three years. Meanwhile, National Assembly Speaker Marzouq Al-Ghanim on Thursday met his Egyptian counterpart HanafiAl-Jebali in the headquarters of Egypt’s House of Representatives with Kuwaiti Ambassador to Egypt Muhammad Saleh Al-Zuwaikh in attendance.

In a press statement after the meeting, Al-Ghanim said it is an honor to have met Egyptian President Abdul Fattah El-Sisi the previous day; during which he conveyed the messages of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah and His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Mesha’al Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. He also expressed happiness over his meeting with Al-Jebali as it was a manifestation of the sisterly relations between Kuwait and Egypt. He affirmed Kuwait’s support for Egypt on all issues and challenges. He pointed out Egypt is considered a ‘beating heart’; such that when it recovered, the whole Arab world became healthy. He revealed that his meeting with Al-Jebali focused on parliamentary coordination of positions on global developments; especially the issues which are important for the Arab and Islamic world, as well as issues of mutual concern between Kuwait and Egypt. He thanked the Egyptian authorities for taking care of Kuwaitis currently staying in Egypt for study and other purposes. He highlighted as well the vital role that the Egyptian community plays in Kuwait.

On the other hand, Al-Jebali welcomed Al-Ghanim while asserting that this historic visit reflects the deep ties between Kuwait and Egypt. He said the Kuwaitis and Egyptians represent one nation as reflected in their similar positions on all issues. He described the speech of Al-Ghanim as factual, confirming that parliamentary coordination on global issues continues. He then wished for prosperity and advancement for the people of Kuwait under the leadership of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al- Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. In another development, MP Bader Al-Humaidi forwarded queries to Minister of Education Ali Fahd Al-Mudaf about the schools which have been turned into private universities since the liberation of Kuwait in 1991 till date. By Saeed Mahmoud Saleh Arab Times Staff

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