Russia eyes boost in Kuwait ties

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Role in promoting media hailed

MOSCOW, Oct 20: Russia expressed its desire to strengthen cooperation with the State of Kuwait in investment, economic and trade fields. This came in a statement Wednesday by the Russian Foreign Ministry after the talks held between Kuwaiti Deputy Foreign Minister Ambassador Majdi Al-Dhafiri and the Russian President’s Special Envoy to the Middle East and Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov on Tuesday. The statement said that the two sides affirmed their common determination to enhance cooperation in the trade, economic and investment fields based on agreements previously reached at the highest levels.

Furthermore, the statement noted that the talks touched on the developments in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and the Palestinian- Israeli settlement, stressing in this regard the importance of forming a system for collective security and sustainable development in the Arab Gulf region based on the principles of mutual respect and good neighborliness. Yesterday, Kuwait’s Deputy Foreign Minister Majdi Al-Dhafiri delivered a message from Foreign Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Sheikh Dr. Ahmad Nasser Al-Mohammad Al-Sabah to his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov. Speaking to KUNA at the end of talks, Al-Dhafiri said the letter includes Kuwait’s vision on ties with Russia.

Meanwhile , Kuwait has played a key role in promoting and developing Arab media over the recent years, mainly during its presidency of the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU), some Arab media people affirmed on Tuesday. This came on the sidelines of the 21st edition of the Arab Radio and Television Festival hosted by Tunisia, in the presence of Arab League Secretary General Ahmad Aboul-Gheit. Speaking to KUNA, head of ASBU Mohammad Al-Awash said that he took part in the session upon instructions of Minister of Information and Culture, and Minister of State for Youth Affairs Abdulrahman Al-Mutairi. Kuwait, during its presidency of the union, contributed significantly and effectively to evolving Arab media, mainly training and qualifying media persons, and drawing up media and program strategies, he added. (KUNA)

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