Sanctions planned for dodgers of DNA – No tolerance

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KUWAIT CITY, Aug 21: The Ministry of Interior expects thousands of Kuwaitis not to come forward for the DNA test because they fear losing their nationality, reports Al- Shahed daily.

The daily put this number at approximately 200,000 saying these people got their nationality through fraudulent means.

However, sources close to the issue said the ministry is prepared to take legal action against those who reject the DNA test to the extent of withdrawing their citizenship. Offi cial sources at the Interior Ministry said failure to undergo DNA test to obtain the e-passport will not be tolerated by the government which is determined to set a time limit to undergo these tests and failure will mean cancellation of passports and issuing a travel ban against them even to the GCC states.

The sources added the Ministry of Interior represented by the General Department for Citizenship Affairs shall remain in touch with other government institutions and terminate the services of those who refuse to undergo the DNA tests and also suspend free medical treatment in government hospitals.

The sources also said the government will impose a ban on their transactions of all kinds and their siblings will not be accepted in government schools.

The sources pointed out these measures will not be arbitrary or chaotic, but in accordance with legal norms, and shall be as stated in the provisions of the Kuwaiti nationality law which is in force with regard to withdrawing nationality of those who have acquired it through fraudulent means.

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