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A STATE rises and develops based on the decisions made by people who are led by someone with a renaissance vision, who neither compromises nor bows before the circumstances fabricated by opportunists and narrow-minded interests, and does not impede any progress.

Ancient testimonies of this include that of the King of Egypt Muhammad Ali Pasha who, during the first half of the 19th century, was able to advance the land of Canaan militarily, educationally, industrially, agriculturally, and commercially, and made the country a force to reckon with in that period.

However, its status did not last because of the weakness of his successors who gradually forfeited the gains he had achieved until his state collapsed on June 18, 1953 with the abolishing of the monarchy and declaring a republic in Egypt.

This man was not the only one who built a modern state, but he was the only one who was able to impose security and fortify the state. This is what some leaders of the region followed in the 20th century, as they lived a harsh life and did not surrender to the high life of luxury.

They did not cast all responsibilities on their assistants in order to spend time messing around and having fun.

Sheikh Mubarak Al-Sabah did not care about the regional and international conditions during his rule. King Abdulaziz did not surrender to the state of affairs in his country in the early 20th century. They both worked on turning threats into opportunities to build their state.

Sheikh Mubarak overcame the Ottoman hegemony and established an emirate that enjoyed free decision, and had its political weight in the region during that stage.

King Abdulaziz engaged in a historical epic fight for restoring the kingship of his family, unifying the continent that is today called the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and making it a regional and international player.

Returning to Kuwait, the country has lived for nearly five decades with political anxiety due to a misunderstanding of democracy in the true sense.

This is due to the fact that those who are supposed to be the elites that lead society misinterpreted the meaning of this type of governing system. Matters were either entrusted to those who are not worthy, or the decision-maker contented with entrusting the affairs to a weak government that was unable to even defend its own decisions.

This is what turned the parliamentarians in the successive parliaments into shadow rulers who practised the worst types of political, administrative and financial extortion such that the state eventually appeared as if it was ruled by 51 princes.

Today, they are trying to return things to how they were before, as they seek to impose their agendas on the government through a series of inquiries and objections to its decisions.

The government must confront them, and not allow them to bog it down because the gains it has achieved in recent months have never been attained by the previous ones.

It is true that the measures taken since June 22 have given hope to people, but the challenge is still great, despite the fact that we feel we are facing a political leadership that seems firm, has a clear vision, and is trying to return Kuwait to the helm.

This leadership is undoubtedly benefiting from the lessons of the region, especially after the global event that Qatar is currently witnessing, and the millions that have entered it from all sides.

This has become possible because the Qataris did not fear the flood of people entering its borders or that most of them would become Bedouns or violators of the residency law. All this is because there is a decision-making mechanism and awareness on how to build the future.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times