KUWAIT CITY, Sept 15: The Director of Public Mobilization in the Administration and Manpower Authority of the Kuwaiti Army, Colonel Tariq Al-Sabr, said it is the patriotic feeling that motivates the applicants to join the armed forces including the Kuwaiti army which is a honor to be part of this establishment.

This came in a statement by Colonel Al-Sabr to reporters on Wednesday. He was speaking on the sidelines of the volunteer registration process for non-commissioned officers and individual courses organized by the authority, during which he shed light on the registration process for university graduates and diploma holders, and to clarify the issue of special allowances and bonuses for soldiers during the course and after they are appointed in the Kuwaiti army.
He added there is an unprecedented high demand for university graduates and diploma holders to join the army to increase the efficiency of the Kuwaiti armed forces, pointing out that the Kuwaiti Army has developed the level of those who enroll without losing the right to complete his studies based on the certificate the individual presents. He explained the duration of the course – three-and-a-half months for non-commissioned officers and three-months for individuals increased the demand for enrollment and called on the young men to join the Kuwaiti armed forces considering it a patriotic duty. He pointed out that there are advantages for those who enroll in the course because they are entitled for financial rewards during and after passing the exam.
They are also paid a salary retroactively. He pointed out the last day for registration is Saturday, Sept 18, 2021. For his part, Lt. Col. Saad Al-Kharji of the Directorate of General Mobilization in the Kuwaiti army said the turnout is good, as the number of applicants was good and put the total at 1,712 so far. (KUNA)