KUWAIT CITY, Dec 11: The Amiri Diwan on Saturday mourned the death of Sheikh Duaij Khalifah Al-Abdullah Al-Khalifah Al-Sabah, who passed away at the age of 50. The deceased was laid to rest Saturday afternoon. The National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters on Saturday mourned with deep sorrow and distress demise of the eminent lyric poet and playwright Sheikh Duaij Al-Khalifah Al- Sabah (1972-2021). Dr. Issa Al-Ansari, the council official spokesperson, conveyed in a statement condolence by Minister of Information, Culture, Minister of State for Youth Affairs and the NCCA Chairman, Abdulrahman Al-Mutairi, and the NCCA Secretary General Kamel Abduljelil, as well as all the council personnel to the bereaved family of the deceased.
“The lyric poet and playwright Sheikh Duaij Al-Khalifah has departed us leaving behind a lot of contributions in various realms,” Al-Ansari eulogized the demised prominent personality. Dr. Al-Ansari recalled Sheikh Duaij for composing patriotic and romantic songs in addition to his contributions to the national theater. He was honorary chairperson of the folkloric theatre, composer of various poetic and literary works published by Kuwaiti and Gulf magazines. Moreover, he also had a hand in the development of the local cinema., (KUNA)