“IT IS the second anniversary of the death of Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al- Ahmad, who left a pioneering national legacy that is difficult to replicate in the cultural field. He was the pioneer in collecting archaeological and historical holdings, or in public work, and it is recorded that he was a fighter for the right and the preservation of public money. He had a vision for the renaissance of Kuwait, through his adoption of the Silk City project and the Northern Economic Zone,” columnist Sattam Ahmed Al-Jarallah wrote for Al-Seyassah daily.

Sattam Al Jarallah

“The late man, with his towering far sight, saw a long time ago that democracy is the destiny of Kuwait, and it cannot be done away with, so he said on one occasion: ‘The democratic approach that we live in, and we aspire to deepen and crystallize, is not a new approach born by chance or a result of a wave of global political impulse, it is an outcome of interaction, communication and the relationship between the ruler and the ruled over the ages and the formation of Kuwait since its inception.

“There is no doubt that Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad was greatly wronged after his death by forging a letter holding the late Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad responsible for the actions though both of them were among the most staunch opponents of such actions and the judicial ruling issued a few weeks ago did justice to him and restored his right.

“It is unfortunate that those who were behind this issue raised it after his death because they were fully aware of the spotless character of both Sheikh Nasser and Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad, may God have mercy on them, who said: ‘No person, regardless of his status, will escape punishment if proven that the person was involved in embezzling public money’.

“No one would have imagined that the audacity of some people would reach a point of blaming the two men who were dedicated to serving their country. No one would have imagined that their image would be distorted in a manner never before witnessed by Kuwait, because Kuwaitis have embedded in their hearts the true image of these two great men.

“For this reason history is fair to them, and rightfully the historical verdict established their innocence from what was attributed to them, but rather this verdict restored the integrity and dedication with which they served Kuwait. This is not just the verdict of innocence of the two late Sheikhs. “Today we remember Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad. His biography has taught us many lessons in the area of patriotism which should be a beacon for future generations.

“This man was known for his love for the right and the just and his fairness to others from himself and those closest to him. He gave everyone their rights. He never accepted anyone being wronged, and he did not accept the transgression of the law for personal interests, and because he lived with these convictions, his right was restored to him; for the men who were educated in his school did not give up the truth.

“Yes, a right that has a claimant behind is not lost. The right was returned to its owners, and the hands of all those who sought to tarnish the image of this man have fallen.”