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Nejoud Al-Yagout Nejoud Al-Yagout
We are always talking about people in power; the outer enemy, the Illuminati, the puppeteers who run the world, extremists, the arms industry, the pharmaceutical industry, Monsanto and on and on ad nauseam. We forget that these people were born into the world too. We forget we are all human beings, and the more we treat people as enemies, the more we perpetuate darkness. Many people on this planet have not known the healing power of love. We are sometimes born into situations that teach us only hate, anger and fear, so we use false power to retaliate against the world. If we were born into expansionist dynasties that perceive overpopulation as a threat, we would behave in exactly the same way. If we believed that God would provide us with everlasting paradise if we bombed a café, how would we behave any differently? All these beliefs are programmed into our energetic fields. The enemy is not man. The enemy is belief. We have created so many belief systems and have forgotten that our mind is running the show, not us. And even dictators are victims of beliefs, of our distorted beliefs.

We are made of the same essence, and for those who claim we do not have souls, we can at least agree that we all are made of flesh and blood. So, let us all come together. Can we meet these powerful people who run the show behind the scenes? We are willing to pay a peace tax to keep them in power until we work collectively to eradicate our greed altogether. We have been paying for war for eons; our money can now go to peace instead until we heal. We can brainstorm solutions to keep the population of the planet at bay by adopting more. We can also work with companies who profit by poisoning our food by finding win-win situations where they can make profits by keeping us healthy for a change. These are all short-term solutions -- baby steps on the ladder toward our collective ascension — until we find a way to stop profiting from one another and clean up our mess.

Who are we to blame anyone? We are all sick and we can only heal as one. Eckhart Tolle wisely states that whenever we go to war against anything, we strengthen it. So even if our beliefs are enemies, we cannot fight them. And we cannot continue to fight the outer enemy either. Instead, we can compassionately address the thought systems that stifle the flow of love. If anyone is willing to kill or harm another individual, this is a loud cry to undress ourselves of such divisive beliefs. Love is naked, while ideological systems which thrive on duality only clothe us with depression and anxiety, suffocating us with each layer of discontent.

In Rumi’s realm beyond right and wrongdoing, we see everyone — including our ‘enemies’ — as possibilities. This is where the key to our expansion of consciousness lies. I invite you to a silent revolution - evolution - of love which begins by unlearning all that we know and resting in the silent divine space within us all. In that space, we no longer regard anyone else as a threat. Here, we become ambassadors of peace.

Only love can elevate us. I promise you that love exists. I promise you. And we are here on this planet to learn how to love. We are one race, and it is not just the human race, but the life race which includes all sentient beings (but that’s a whole other topic). Stay tuned! I love you. Immensely.

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By Nejoud Al-Yagout