Strict conditions for restaurants and its workers

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Restaurant food delivery services from 5pm to 1am

KUWAIT CITY, Apr 22: During holy month of Ramadan delivery service of restaurants are allowed from 5pm to 1am and the cooperative societies work during the holy month of Ramadan for 12 hours a day, 6 hours before breakfast (from 9am until 3pm ) and 6 hours after breakfast (from 8pm until 2am ).

The Public Health Department of the Ministry of Health has established strict requirements for the delivery of orders for food and restaurants.
The regulations and requirements stressed the factors of delivery of applications, taking health and precautionary measures, in addition to the responsibility of the agencies that employ them for their health through monitoring them and conducting daily health checks for them, and providing suitable housing that meets all the requirements and conditions of the Ministry of Health related to the prevention of spreading corona virus.

The Ministry obligated the institutions and bodies responsible for preparation and delivery, to inspect employees daily, check their temperature and retain information electronically, to provide it to the Ministry of Health immediately upon request, and to ensure that workers wash their hands with water and soap, and to use sterilizers continuously, before and after each delivery.

The Ministry also compelled the companies operating the delivery workers to provide them with healthy and appropriate housing, so that they have sufficient areas to allow the worker to isolate himself if symptoms of the disease appear.

The regulations stipulated that the food supply companies and restaurants provide special packing places for foodstuffs that are constantly cleansed, while adhering to the cleanliness of the workers when present. Also stressed to use online payment.

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