The Ministry of Commerce launched a campaign against homosexual logos – the six-colored flag, and I thank the Ministry for the information that I and others were not aware of. The matter did not need all this fuss and the dissemination of the flag in all means. Not many people knew about its colors or interested in its shape, and with the ministry’s failed circular, a service was provided to homosexuals, albeit indirectly.

This unwise act reminds me of the warning issued by the highest references in Iran years ago that the blood of the British writer, of Indian origin, Salman Rushdie, should be shed because of his novel “The Satanic Verses”. The fatwa drew the attention of millions to the novel, which was never worth the fuss, and without it, no one would have heard of the name of the novel or the name of Rushdie.
In its circular, the ministry called on citizens and residents to participate in the arrest of the criminal, which is the slogan of homosexuals, and to inform it if such logo is present as a flag or in any form and asked us for or suggestions on a violation of public morals.
The Ministry added that the ordinary colors of the spectrum are seven, while the homosexual flag contains only six colors, and this means that the flag, emblem, or figure that contains five colors or seven colors does not contradict, and therefore the nation should be preoccupied with counting the colors of any flag or a shape that we see, and this will make the matter more spreadable because of curiosity, and it will turn many into a calculator and color counter.
Whenever they see a group of colors of the spectrum in the form of a flag or on a toy or a liquid soap package, they should immediately count the colors, if they are five or seven, then it’s okay, and if the number is six, they should shout I found it and call 1900, in order to send those who confiscate and destroy these materials.
This is a great loss for the merchant who imported it, without any fault of his own, and this is an injustice on top of being stupid. It was also stated in the messages of the Ministry of Commerce to the public that the supervisory teams will confiscate all products and goods that violate the teachings of our true Islamic religion, our traditions, our customs and our culture.
I do not know what is the relationship of the presence of six different colors on a bottle of liquid soap for children, with our true Islamic religion or our customs and traditions, The Ministry of Commerce’s obsession with the homosexuals flag reminds me of our obsession with the Six Day War and Israel’s victory over us, as we count the corners of any star we find on anything. We thank the Minister of Commerce for his educational statement, in which he drew everyone’s attention to homosexuals’ flag and its danger, leaving the ministry’s primary task in monitoring prices and preventing manipulation of their quality, and the rest of the vital matters of interest to citizens.
Where is the minister, for example, from the wave of senseless licenses? Is it conceivable that there is a need to license more than thirty shops in the Safat complex, to sew women’s clothes? There is no doubt that there are dozens of others in other places, and each place sponsors between 5 to 10 expatriates that do not constitute any addition to the economy, but rather a burden on infrastructure, social, food and health security.
There are dozens of other similar activities that have no need other than that they represent an open trade in residences, and a hideous exploitation of human needs. What is the need, for example, for all this huge number of car repair workshops, the number of which is unbelievable. It is clear that the Ministry of Commerce is completely incapable of carrying out its basic functions, after efficiency went out of the door, and the ministry found no choice but to escape from its problems and hide behind the flag of homosexuals.
By Ahmad alsarraf
e-mail: [email protected]