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author name Arab Times
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14374 times read

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14374 times read

I changed jobs recently and when the new company was trying to transfer my visa the mandoub informed me that it is not possible as I am on a factory visa.Please note that I entered the country on a factory visa in January 2016 as of now my visa is valid till Feb 2019.Is it possible for me to transfer to a company visa upon payment of KD 300 at MoSAL? If yes, what are the conditions? If no, the next best option is cancelling the current factory visa I am on and return on a new visa. Now do I have to wait for a year before my company applies for a new visa? Or can they apply for a visa as soon as I exit the country after completing all the visa cancellation procedures? Could you please check and let me know?Name withheld Answer: Under current regulations, you can only transfer your visa to another factory visa with a different sponsor. To the best of our knowledge we are not aware of any payment of KD 300 at MoSAL to be able to transfer to a company visa. We know of such payments being made with regard to project visas and even here such payments are not made for transfer to company visa but within the different categories of project visas.With regard to the other option of cancelling your current visa, exiting Kuwait and returning on a new visa, that can be done immediately after exiting Kuwait and there won’t be any need to wait for one year before putting in an application.Kindly send your queries to [email protected] or [email protected]Kindly go through our archives and refrain from sending repeated questions