US envoy hails Kuwait ties

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KUWAIT CITY, Oct 18: The US Ambassador to the State of Kuwait Alina Romanowski described the US-Kuwaiti relations as excellent, solid, strong, close and historical, built on solid foundations of friendship, trust and mutual respect, explaining that Kuwait is one of the closest partners of America, and the relations between the two countries are characterized by continuous development in all fields and various levels, reports Al-Rai daily

US Ambassador to Kuwait, Alina Romanowski

The US envoy emphasized that the late Amir, Sheikh Sabah Al- Ahmad had played an effective role in preserving the strength of bilateral relations between the two countries, pointing out that she will remain committed to her country’s strong partnership and friendship with Kuwait under the leadership of His Highness the Amir Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad and His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Meshaal Al-Ahmad. She said she is seriously looking forward to working with the new leadership.

Romanowski pointed out – in an exclusive interview with Al- Anba – that Kuwait is one of the peacemakers, and its diplomacy has made major contributions to maintaining security and stability in the region, renewing her country’s commitment to Kuwait’s security and keenness to ensure that its armed forces are ready with the latest military equipment. Kuwait’s first F/A 18 Super Hornet was built specifically for it, while the ground forces were equipped with 218 M1A2 tanks.

The United States ambassador indicated that her country attaches special importance to its security relations with Kuwait, as they work together to combat terrorism and deter external aggression, and revealed that the fourth round of the Strategic Dialogue between the two countries will be held in late November in Washington.

The dialogue will witness the signing of a number of new agreements and memoranda of understanding to strengthen bilateral cooperation, pointing out that it has made a special effort to connect American and Kuwaiti companies through virtual forums to work together to develop and strengthen economic relations between the two countries.

The meeting touched on the Discover America Festival, which was praised by Ambassador Romanowski for his effective contribution to bringing the two friendly peoples together and shedding light on the diversity and richness of American culture, pointing out that the festival in its next edition will witness the display of the best American products and services, expected to be held in March 2021.

Romanowski praised the development of economic relations between the two friendly countries, as the volume of trade exchange between them reached $4.5 billion, while the volume of Kuwaiti direct investments in the United States reached $1.82 billion in the transport and chemical sectors in 2019, and pointed to the presence of 250 leading US companies operating in Kuwait in 2019 in the fields of information and communication technology, healthcare, automobiles, energy sectors, and more.

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