US, Saudi Arabia, UAE call for “restoration” of Sudanese civilian-led transitional gov’t

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WASHINGTON, Nov 3: The US, Saudi Arabia and the UAE, on Wednesday, called for a full and immediate restoration of Sudanese civilian-led transitional government and institutions. “The protests of October 30 demonstrated the depth of the Sudanese people’s commitment to advancing their country’s transition, and we remain committed to helping them achieve these aspirations,” said the three countries in a joint statement.

The three countries also affirmed their stance with the people of Sudan, emphasizing the importance of supporting their aspirations for a democratic and peaceful nation. Last week, the head of the Transitional Sovereignty Council in Sudan, Abdulfattah Al-Burhan announced many political and security measures, declaring a state of emergency nationwide and suspending the main provisions of the constitutional document, noting that the army will supervise the transitional phase in Sudan until the elections scheduled for July 2023. (KUNA)

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