Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli

THE Israeli Security Minister recently stated that his first job when he took office three months ago was to form a body which is responsible for promoting Jewish settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories and those classified as ‘Area C’, as well as take the necessary measures which pave way for practical annexation of these areas to Israel.

Naftali Bennett, the new Israeli Defense Minister, said: “The policy of the State of Israel is that its ‘C’ regions belong to it, and the government is doing everything to support Israeli construction in these areas in preparation for annexation. “This annexation must be practical as we see it on the ground, not only in decisions and statements.

One of the most major decisions taken by the annexation committee that was formed for this purpose is to accelerate procedures for declaring the annexation even during the parliamentary elections period, granting settlers permits to purchase plots in the West Bank, registering these plots in the Israeli Land Registry, and granting Israeli legitimacy to about 30 unlicensed settlement outposts.

“This will be initiated through illegal linking of settlement outposts to water, electricity and sewage networks; and canceling orders to demolish homes in those areas, including the eviction of settlers who seized private Palestinian lands, against whom complaints were not filed.” We are facing this heinous crime where the usurping State seizes more Palestinian lands and grants them to foreign settlers without being consciously or morally deterred or even fearing the local or international laws in this regard. This is something we expect from such a unique country, where people gather according to their religion. It is rejected and unacceptable in many moral and legal aspects, foremost of which are the human rights principles.

Given that the West stands with hands folded towards this heinous crime led by Trump of the United States, and Europe, Asia and South America for being courteous to the United States of Trump and its spoiled child Israel, then we neither comprehend nor understand the deafening silence of Arab countries, Israel’s neighbors, and the countries that have ‘secret and public treaties with it’ over such heinous crimes. And if we say that the Arab countries and their governments are preoccupied with the repercussions of the Arab Spring and the American- Iranian crisis; the question remains on civil society institutions, social media opinion holders and the press that also swallowed their tongues towards this major incident. Over the past weeks, they have been focusing on Iran, its policies and General Qassem Soleimani who was assassinated by the Americans, as if the problems of the whole world were concentrated in that country and that general.

I hope it will not be understood as we ignore what is required and demanding not to criticize Iran and its policies in the region, because such issue falls under the freedom of opinion and expression. However, we wonder why those with long tongues and preying pens recently exercised a policy of deafening silence over Israel usurping our brothers in religion and Arabism! We say this to Israel and its protector, Trump: This group exercises on you the principle of, oh fire, be cool and safe upon Israel! May their fortune and the fortune of those supporting them diminish.

By Ali Ahmed Al-Baghli
Former Minister of Oil
Email: [email protected]