This decision covers only those on Article 18 who are residing in Kuwait - No work permit for newcomers above 60 yrs
KUWAIT CITY, Jan 24, (Agencies): Minister of Justice and Minister of State for “Nazaha” Boosting Affairs Jamal Al-Jalawi announced on Monday the decision to allow issuance of work permits for expatriates aged 60 and above, who hold a high school certificate or a lower educational qualification. Al-Jalawi, also Board Chairman of the Public Authority for Labor Force, said in a statement this permit would be issued for a KD 250 fee (USD 826). The concerned workers must have full health insurance from one of the insurance companies, listed in Boursa Kuwait.

The decision is also applicable on other segments such as husbands of Kuwaiti women, children of Kuwaiti female citizens, wives of Kuwaitis and Palestinians who hold residency documents. It is effective for a year and will be revised within this period according to the labor market conditions.
The cost of health insurance for expatriates for all ages, including those who are 60 years and above has been set at 130 dinars for one year by the Health Insurance Hospitals Company ‘Daman’, reports Al-Rai daily quoting reliable sources.
The Kuwait Insurance Federation reiterated that the proposed health insurance policy required for this segment of expats will not be changed at an annual premium per person of 500 dinars, therefore the cost will amount to 750 dinars. The insurance includes a group of health coverages throughout the the year for 10,000 dinars, reports Al Rai.
Those who are having private insurance in their companies will not need to issue new health insurance provided that their insurance company is listed in the stock exchange. Renewal of residence conditions only apply to those expats who are on Article 18, hence it does not apply to domestic workers, drivers, maids or other categories.
This decision is applicable to those expats who are currently residing in Kuwait, no newcomers above sixty years of age will not be allowed to issue a work permit.
The sources indicated that the health services that will be provided by ‘Daman’ will cover all health services provided in the government sector, but free of charge, meaning that any health service provided to the expatriate will be without any additional money than the specified fee.
The sources considered that the proximity of the health insurance hospitals entering the actual service may open discussion about the possibility of not obligating the ‘sixty years old expatriates’ to private health insurance, and only health insurance if it is able to cover all requirements, and in a manner that does not affect the government health system in any way.
The sources confirmed that there is consensus among the members of the Manpower Board of Directors to resolve the ‘60s’ as soon as possible, perhaps during today’s meeting, noting that there is consensus among the members that the prescribed fee should be 250 dinars instead of 500, which is the fee that was approved during the era of the former minister, Dr. Abdullah Al-Salman, and estimated the cost of the initial health insurance policy at about 500 dinars.