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ONE of the business pioneers in Kuwait, Hamad Al-Marzouq, was on point when he posted the Twitter message: “Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, which is the most important sector in Kuwait, is groaning, but the country is busy with the departure of the two presidents and a trivial series.”

To what he said, we add: “The whole country is paralyzed. It seems that the matter will be prolonged in the absence of a bold executive decision. Therefore the deficit in all sectors will become a disaster for the country as a whole.”

Here we ask, “Who is responsible for the crises that the country has been experiencing for three decades? Who benefits from the developmental, economic and social decline, especially the political one? Is it the wrong choices of the people’s representatives in the National Assembly, or the struggle of some wings of the ruling house, or the weak governments?”

Before answering the question, it is necessary to look at a very important matter. Any defect will not be held responsible by the MPs, or the press, or even the ministers who are responsible for the poor implementation of the general policy decided by the Prime Minister, and the kitchen of the executive decision in the state.

That is why the people will not hold the MPs accountable. We all see how some legislators are re-elected, while the ministers’ order ends when they leave office through dismissal, resignation or vote of no confidence. Therefore, the Kuwaitis will hold the ruling house, i.e. the sheikhs, responsible.

Four hundred years ago, the people chose the Al-Sabah family as rulers. They still cling to them to this very day, and will do so now and forever. The system of government is not a constitutional monarchy. Rather, the ruling house is the only ruler, and the involvement of any of them in the conflict between political currents and parliamentary blocs means abandonment of their impartiality. It contradicts the explanatory regulation of the Constitution, which stipulates the ban on the members of the ruling family from running in elections. This is aimed at putting them beyond suspicion. However, the opposite has unfortunately happened from liberation to this day.

This intervention allowed the MPs to infiltrate the powers of the executive authority, which, despite the weakness of the prime ministers, also found itself in a multi-headed confrontation. This led to its inability to exercise its natural role, while some parties in the ruling house resorted to the support of tribal and sectarian MPs, which is the smartest lethal strife for any society.

What Kuwait is facing today is much greater than the survival or departure of two presidents, and more dangerous than being distracted by the issue of television series, or the questioning of a minister who did not acquiesce in appointing his relative to any particular position. Also, its loss is more serious than preventing the adoption of the public debt law or inciting retirees and some segments of society by withholding the rewards of the front-liners or pensions of retirees.

Any citizen who fears for his homeland and wishes for stability must appeal to the heads of the rulers to stop all that is taking place - from the slaughter of Kuwait to the depletion of all its sources of power.

Therefore, it is necessary to move quickly and wisely to stop all these stabs that are directed at the heart of the country, and disperse its people. This begins with stopping all the conflicting wings in the House of Government on its own, and striking at the hands of all those who try to ignite the fire of division between the components of society.

This is due to the fact that, if the affairs of the ruling house are fixed, the affairs of the country will be fixed and stabilized.

O Your Highness the Amir, and Your faithful Crown Prince, people are appealing to you to rule, even if in a tough manner. This is because the country is in distress, new chapters are unfolding day after day, and the conflict and noise are intensifying. Many people are classifying people and their morals, and even reached the extent of classifying the morals of their rulers.

Your Highness the Amir and Your Highness the Crown Prince, pardon me for this frankness, as I am a Kuwaiti. I have begun to fear for Kuwait – the pearl of the Gulf – which has lost its prominence because of the arguments of some people who put their own interests above all considerations.

By Ahmed Al-Jarallah

Editor-in-Chief, the Arab Times